Wednesday, September 27, 2017


The latest update for anyone interested. The last I heard from Josh yesterday in a weak msg was that he will return again strong when he can.  That he's conserving his energy in a sort of powered down state. Until then it's no use for him to keep talking when I can barely hear him and he can barely hear me. He's so weak he can't even hear my thoughts at this point. He said he goes back to his side at night when I sleep and can be with him there and he returns to be with me during the day but can't interact until his energy returns. I'm sad and don't know what to do to help him accept be patient and wait and know that he's with me even though he can't interact with me right now. It's very difficult after all that communication and interaction that we had to not have it now. I guess I expected too much of him. I thought he had unlimited energy to expend on this side with me and now I see how wrong I was.

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